Saturday, April 24, 2010

More Other's Conversations

- I talked to my dad about this, and, I don't talk to my dad about relationships or any, or, like, really much.
- Talking to your dad about relationships is a good thing, it's a good thing. It really is. Cause a) he's a man...
- Yeah.
- b) he's a knowledgeable man and, c)he knows you.
(all laugh)
- You know?
- Exactly.
- He can piece it all together ...he's like that, like, voice if reason, that men's perspective, that you're like, what the fuck were they thinking, and he's like , well actually...
- They're boys, is what my father says, they're not men yet. You need to find yourself a man, cause these boys like, for lack of better words, don't have the same maturity you do...
- No they don't, they really don't.


- I'm glad I made it through the rest of the day, it's so funny how things you like completely change how your day goes. At two o'clock, I was like, fucking shoot me! I'm so tired and so not wanting to be here! I feel like I'm going to barf! Then, I'm like, oh! I love school! Woo! Yoga! Woo!
- Yeah, for sure. It's just good vibes to get such good feedback...
- Yeah, and that room's really nice, like, because of the time of day, the sun is coming in and when we finish, its dark. So there's something really nice about being in Shavasana.
- For sure.


- Are those lights in your hat?
- Yes ma'am.
- That's ingenious.
- You think?
- I won't shine it in your eyes, but its got a strobe thingy...
- Oh...
- And it's got a steady beam.
- Oh is that for biking or jogging?
- Yeah, camping, whatever, um, I recently lost my exterior lighting...
- Or just to start a conversation.

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