Sunday, December 12, 2010

Comments - December 12, 2010

Name withheld

8:45 AM on December 12, 2010
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Score: 6

Name withheld

Donald G

8:51 AM on December 12, 2010
Hopefully all of the injured are ganged up people. It does not in any way make the shootings acceptable but it does eliminate any COMPLETELY INNOCENT victims from being harmed. Crimes of this nature continue to provide confirmation of the inability of our criminal courts and penal systems to stop criminal assaults from being a part of our new Canadian way of life ... enabled in large part by the ongoing trudeau liberal judicial interpretation of the charter that securely ties the hands of the police and enables one guilty criminal after another to walk free. Unless their interpretations are changed the criminal gang situation in Canada will continue to deteriorate ... since the federal liberals and ndp continue to block any change that would remedy the situation.
Score: 5

Name withheld


9:05 AM on December 12, 2010
Lets just hope no innocent bystanders were hit
Score: 5

Name withheld


9:16 AM on December 12, 2010
Hopefully everyone shot was a gang loser. Its about time we tip the scales in favor of the cops when it comes to these parasites. Maybe the cops should just start planting guns on these guys and shooting them down in the streets.
Score: 4

Name withheld


9:19 AM on December 12, 2010
Sadly, Vancouver has become little more than a nest of gangs. Our city and governments cripple the police efforts, immigration lets in who ever appears at our border willy nilly, and if they do get before the courts our judicial system pats them on their bottoms and says "now now, don't do it again" and ushers them back ont the street.

I hope none of these injured were innocent bystanders, as for the rest...pffft...
Score: 1

Name withheld


9:44 AM on December 12, 2010
I don't see "The war on gangs" in Vancouver being any different then the "war on gangs" in Mexico. A lot of little "gangers" rousted and charged but .......... the big boys sit back in their penthouses with no worries. A lot of people say the gangs could not run without protection and one would wonder if corruption, in the many Police Forces that are arrayed in this province is a truth or just a fantasy . I know .......... as soon as anybody mentions police corruption the hammer comes down, not on any corrupt cops but on the person that asks the question. In many campaigns against evil the transgressors go free while the messengers feel the sting of the lash. I will be awaiting the posts of the Law enforcement officers and their bosses poo pooing any thoughts along these lines. After all we are "Canadians" we would never do any wrong. Time and history will tell.
Score: -1

Name withheld

9:49 AM on December 12, 2010
This comment has been removed because it contains material which was deemed inappropriate.  
Score: 0

Name withheld


9:52 AM on December 12, 2010
Scretch. I hope these guns are registered!
Score: 0

Name withheld

10:04 AM on December 12, 2010
This comment was left by a user who has been blocked by our staff.
Score: 3

Name withheld


10:22 AM on December 12, 2010
Hopefully all of the victims are gangsters and gangster wannabe enthusiasts. Too bad my taxes pay for gangsters' medical treatment.
Score: 2

Name withheld


10:52 AM on December 12, 2010
Shooting on the west side? Now this IS serious!
Score: 3

Name withheld


10:52 AM on December 12, 2010
when the police keep the , "I won't tell you what happened" wounded in jail until they talk then maybe something positive will happen.
Score: 0

Name withheld


11:08 AM on December 12, 2010
I'll say it again. Abolish drug prohibition and you get rid of the crimes associated with prohibition, the chief one being gang warfare. It worked with alcohol Prohibition and will work with drugs. The problem is there are too many vested interests in the violence monopoly industry (aka cops) that like things the way they are. They represent a powerful anti-Prohibition interest group.
Score: 0

Name withheld


11:20 AM on December 12, 2010
Since the drug trade is the number 1 industry in BC, wouldn't this be classified as a job action? Can this incident even be handled without an injunction? Where's Ken Georgetti now that we need him? The union makes us strong.
Score: 1

Name withheld


11:25 AM on December 12, 2010
The police have their hands full with cell phone drivers, please give them some slack.
Score: 1

Name withheld


11:32 AM on December 12, 2010
"As of 10:30 a.m., Oak Street is still closed in both directions between West 21st and West 25th avenues and no traffic is getting through. A large crime scene is taped off."

This article should make note that not even pedestrians are allowed in the taped-off area.
Score: 0

Name withheld

11:34 AM on December 12, 2010
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Score: 1

Name withheld


11:35 AM on December 12, 2010
Instead of "asking" for information from the public... why aren't the police using the super-dooper gun registry to solve this crime?

Should be easy enough... 1-800-731-4000
We paid $2 billion for this program, maybe it's time it either does something usefull (or we trash it)
Score: 2

Name withheld

11:41 AM on December 12, 2010
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Score: 2

Name withheld


11:43 AM on December 12, 2010
When I read some of the comments posted I feel frightened and demoralized I am sharing my community with so many illiterate, ignorant, small-minded, racist, bigoted, stupid people. The problems in our communities reflect the people we live among--the citizens with so many inane and downright stupid ideas.
Score: 1

Name withheld


11:48 AM on December 12, 2010
Ten shot and none killed!
They don't make bullets like they used to.
Or were they all wearing vests?  
Score: 2

Name withheld


11:53 AM on December 12, 2010
The police ordered a lockdown of VGH and 'other people' were redirected to other hospitals?
That is perhaps the most outrageous part: "if you're not a gangster or hangaround, you can go elsewhere for your medical care."

I bet we'll hear the police say it was for our own good - hmmm, when they could have secured the hospital, and focused their resources on protecting the 'other people' - and ensured the general public had access to timely medical care.

Any policy that closes a hospital to the general public because of fear of gangsters should be reviewed, and immediately changed.
Score: 2

Name withheld


11:57 AM on December 12, 2010
Hey Robertson did you hear about this. Maybe we could throw a bike lane down Oak St. that should solve all of Vancouver's problems. We could all grab a happy planet and stick our heads in the sand. Why can't there be a Guiliani that can come around and actually lead this city in a new direction. Instead we elect inept individuals with personal agendas.
Score: -1

Name withheld


12:00 PM on December 12, 2010
I have absolutely no concerns that the VPD will get to the core of the sensless rot that permeates all societies .

A bunch of no-body's swiss-cheesing each other is cowardly and regrettable . I'm sure their mommies and daddy's did not bring up their children to behave like that .
At 2:00 am one should be eating Chinese food and / or greasy cheeseburgers ....not drilling each other .

Hopefully the police will be the only ones shooting up da town .
Subway has a Sunday special on tuna 12 "
Score: -2

Name withheld


12:00 PM on December 12, 2010
Ewot - you say getting rid of prohibition cured the gangster problem. I say not so, they just changed to drugs and every other illegal scheme you can think of.
Clearly they are still amongst us.


12:00 PM on December 12, 2010
How many of those hit by gunfire were innocent bystanders and how many were "known to police"? Also, we have here another shooting not prevented by the gun registry or the "hug a thug" approach to crime fighting brought to us by the Liberal Party of Canada.  
Score: 3

Name withheld


12:06 PM on December 12, 2010
"Police ordered a temporary lockdown of Vancouver General Hospital as a result of the shooting, and other people seeking medical attention were redirected to other hospitals"

This just disgusts me...I'm sure the "other people" are happy to know that thier pain and medical issues are not as important as a gang members.
Score: -1

Name withheld


12:06 PM on December 12, 2010
Are you telling me that you can't even buy a knish or karnatzel because of the shoot-up last night ? Now that's a real shandah ...!

If everyone went to bed at 11: 00 pm ...the shoot-up would had to be even earlier ....!

Ten people shot ...??? there goes the minyan of whatever persuasion !

OY GEVALT ...!!  
Score: 2

Name withheld


12:08 PM on December 12, 2010
No Van Dave, the whole point is NOT to make every little thing illegal. That's the problem. When you make things that people want, illegal, you invite the gangsters. Disarm them! Don't make these things illegal. The only things that should be illegal are crimes of initiatory violence against persons and property. That's it. That doesn't mean it is a good idea to do all these other things. In fact it may be "immoral" to do some of them but it shouldn't be illegal. "Crimes" should not include supplying people with things they want but should be reserved for those things we do not want such as rape, theft, assault, arson, etc.
Score: -1

Name withheld


12:09 PM on December 12, 2010
This is what happens when the vermin use cheap bullets .....nothing ...!
Score: 3

Name withheld


12:19 PM on December 12, 2010
Hey Gregor...I'm feeling increasingly less safe in my city but thank god we have a bike lane.
Score: 1

Name withheld


12:21 PM on December 12, 2010
Giuliani cleaned up the cess pool, that was new york.

We have too many bleeding hearts pandering to druggies, criminals arriving by boats, simpering cowards, who think that the HA pot operations are just fine, and to top it all off a nice easy revolving door justice system.

Now we have this money grab, to go after regular people who drink a beer or glass of wine at a restaurnat or pub. Fabulously misdirected and even the police report; it isn't working!

You must force your NDP and Liberal MPs to represent society's wishes, and allow for tougher federal laws and sentences.

Gangs now, are not like gangs of old. They are extremely brutal and violent. Very soon, this will spill over and it will become more and more common that innocent civilians are killed.

Just wait...
Score: -2

Name withheld


12:22 PM on December 12, 2010
First words in the article, "A overnight shooting" - should be "AN overnight shooting."
Score: 4

Name withheld


12:28 PM on December 12, 2010
vancouver........this city sure has changed for the worse over the last 10-15 yrs. what a dump! oh well...........maybe more immigration will help clean this city up.
Score: 0

Name withheld


12:33 PM on December 12, 2010
The mounties always get their man ( NOT )
Score: 1

Name withheld

12:36 PM on December 12, 2010
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Score: 0

Name withheld

12:37 PM on December 12, 2010
This comment was left by a user who has been blocked by our staff.
Score: 1

Name withheld


12:38 PM on December 12, 2010
Its time the Province stepped in and gave the police the authority and resources to deal with these pieces of garbage and put them in jail.
Score: 0

Name withheld

12:42 PM on December 12, 2010
This comment has been removed because it contains material which was deemed inappropriate.  
Score: 0

Name withheld


12:46 PM on December 12, 2010
Oh my God Vancouver is such a dangerous place!!!! It makes all other cities in the Lower Mainland look tame. Put up the fence around Vancouver!
Score: 1

Name withheld


12:56 PM on December 12, 2010
Oh no! Graffiti! The calling card of an assasin!

Seriously, is this news anymore? Is anyone surprised by any shootings?
Score: -2

Name withheld


12:57 PM on December 12, 2010
The Police have full authority to do whatever they need too ...Tim Horton's is the safest place ...and anyone who steps in their way gets pushed aside ..including feeble ...challenged ...medically infirm people ..i'e Hastings street ...AND the reward is ...administrative ...with full salary and benifits..Tell yah ..the union is strong ..!
Score: 2

Name withheld


12:57 PM on December 12, 2010
Well, another shooting on the the west side, i guess the VPD will now step up the appearance of police activity too pacify the locals,

Shaughnessy, is just a close as Surrey and Langley and Burnaby, and Coquitlam.....

Is 10 people shot at the same scene enough for the legal system to take this gang situation seriously?????

Or is this just another make work project for the endless overly expensive employment in the "for profit legal system" we run here???
Score: -1

Name withheld


12:58 PM on December 12, 2010
Dangerous to go out a buy a challah and cholent these days ...Kishka is becoming the food of choice ...!
Score: 0

Name withheld

1:02 PM on December 12, 2010
This comment was left by a user who has been blocked by our staff.  
Score: 4

Name withheld


1:09 PM on December 12, 2010
Cops have been focusing too much on drivers talking on cell phones and decriminalizing drinking and driving.

I guess they forgot about the gangs and the enourmous amount of money generated by the drug trade in this province.

Whoops! Back to the drawing board.  
Score: 3

Name withheld

Blue Willow

1:13 PM on December 12, 2010
My family lived around that area back in the 1950's. Vancouver used to be such a nice safe city. It is so sad what we have become.  
Score: 2

Name withheld


1:25 PM on December 12, 2010
10 more gangster locked up. I feel sorry for jail guards, these guys will probably go beat them up now. BC Government jail funding is a joke. Gangsters run jail and their money by buying stuff keeps the lights on.
Score: 1

Name withheld


1:40 PM on December 12, 2010
So ewot, you are saying that if drugs were legal then these people would behave as decent citizens? Not likely, drugs are just the medium for their misdeeds. Legalize drugs, and they would quickly switch to new illegal activity.
They say for every problem there is an answer that is quick, simple and wrong. Legalizing drugs to rid ourselves of gangsterism would be a good example.  
Score: -1

Name withheld


1:43 PM on December 12, 2010
Why couldn't our glorious leader, Allah, prevent this tragic incident?


1:46 PM on December 12, 2010

Score: 3

Name withheld


1:52 PM on December 12, 2010
legalizing marijuana would be a good start... it would put a lot of gangsters and grow ops out of business...

obviously they would have to find new work, but so what.

theres no good reasons to keep it illegal.
Score: 2

Name withheld


2:01 PM on December 12, 2010
Would love to hear Ignatieff's position on this and how Canada doesn't need more Judges or jails and that we should focus more efforts of rehabilitation of criminals and not punishment.  
Score: -2

Name withheld


2:03 PM on December 12, 2010
Legalizing marijuana will not put criminals out of business ... take off the blinders and understand the landscape ...and stop being so naive are a victim of taking yourself too seriously ..! You only see what you know ...
Score: 1

Name withheld


2:05 PM on December 12, 2010
Ignatieff was stoned before his parents gave birth to him ...His common sense is warped and wrapped in his own ego ...!  
Score: 0

Name withheld


2:06 PM on December 12, 2010
Why only ten ..Couldn't there have been a convention ...???
Score: 1

Name withheld


2:12 PM on December 12, 2010
Where is Dick Tracy when we need him ...and the Lone Ranger and Tonto ... and Topper and Silver ....?
Score: 0

Name withheld

2:19 PM on December 12, 2010
This comment was left by a user who has been blocked by our staff.
Score: 1

Name withheld


2:27 PM on December 12, 2010
Police are doing an outstanding job and VPD, like all police forces throughout the Lower Mainland (RCMP and others) are working with little resources and budget cutbacks while the court system allows scum like the girly-boy-whiners Bacon Brothers to thumb their nose at all of us. Bring back the death penalty and immediate deportation!
Score: 2

Name withheld

Doc Holiday

2:31 PM on December 12, 2010
The Conservative Governmnet is trying to get a handle on organized crime and their cowardly tactics by handing down longer sentences. Unfortunately Ignatief, Bob Rae, Jack layton and the Liberal Party of Canada, the NDP and the Bloc do not believe in victims rights and are fighting the Govrnmnet tooth and nail. They So don't look for this madness to stop anytime soon.
Score: 2

Name withheld


2:33 PM on December 12, 2010
if weed was legal, and people could grow a couple plants at home, there would be no need for all the dealers out there.

If we could go buy it at a store, like a liquor store, wouldnt that put many of the dealers out of business?

How is that being naive and having blinders on?

you are a victim of your own words... just pure jibberish... i know and see that.
Score: 2

Name withheld


2:51 PM on December 12, 2010
Boy, that war on drugs is really keeping the gangs at bay! Let's keep doing what hasn't worked for the last 40 years. Yes, that makes sense doesn't it?
Score: 3

Name withheld


2:53 PM on December 12, 2010
I think all gang related crime should have double the normal penalty. If you're known to be a gang member or associated to gangs then take the term of the sentence and multiply it by two.
Score: 3

Name withheld


2:59 PM on December 12, 2010
Let me get this right.....innocent people needing medical attention ARE TURNED AWAY from VGH because the cops are more worried about protecting banger scum??!

It should be the other way around! This city is so screwed up it's beyond repair.
Score: 2

Name withheld

na gCopaleen

3:10 PM on December 12, 2010
VGH locked down? Capitulate to the thugs! Could not the VPD put armed guards out front? And search people on the stretchers? (Well, that's a bit of a joke, to draw attention to how ridiculous this is.)
Score: 2

Name withheld


3:11 PM on December 12, 2010
To all the conservatives that say "legalizing weed won't stop the gangs they will just switch illegal activities" I ask what illegal activities? Harder drug sales? Where will 1 million new Canadian addicts appear from overnight to replace the proceeds from the 1 million Canadian cannabis users? Gambling? Will they force 1 million people to gamble at gunpoint? Prostitution? Force a million people to instantly become johns? Quit clinging to your FAILED drug war. It's time to try something that will work. Portugal is better off after they decriminalized all drugs in 2001. The swiss have a program where heroin addicts can get on a program of super cheap maintenance doses from pharmacies. If they are arrested for ANY crime they are cut off. There is no more heroin crime or heroin dealers.
Score: -4

Name withheld


3:16 PM on December 12, 2010
Why do our rubbish newspapers even bother to write about these vermin ...Let it lie . Write nice stories about good people doing wonderful things and helping each other and our neighbours ...!
Score: 1

Name withheld


3:21 PM on December 12, 2010
Greater Vancouver is wide open, gang turf and they fear nobody.

The only answer is federal intervention with prosecutors, special police squads, forensic accountants (who controls the $billions), tougher laws ... But that would wipe out our real estate boom and have judges and politicians behind bars.
Score: 0

Name withheld


3:31 PM on December 12, 2010
mike> i think old person is a senial ol bat either way lol too bad u people wernt caught in the cross fire
Score: 1

Name withheld


3:32 PM on December 12, 2010
The police talk a lot about how everyone is "known" to them. Is it that hard these days to put a gang-banger away or should we all be packing heat ? This city has been taken over by rich and powerful gangs. The odd small fry ends up in jail but the top dogs relax in their sumptuous Shaunessey mansions and their downtown penthouses. Funny thing about that Shangrila. I believe that all the units are sold but at after dark less than half of the lights are ever on. Could it be that most of the units have simply been bought as investments by rich Chinese ? I heard that there were 18,000 empty brand new units in Vancouver...and that was over a year ago. Something's really wrong when we let our city go to rich foreigners and born-&-bred Vancouverites can't afford to buy anything. And our loopy mayor seems to be more concerned about bike lanes and backyard chickens. Sigh....this ain't the city I grew up in.
Score: 0

Name withheld


3:32 PM on December 12, 2010
Vancouver Real Estate = Drug Money
Terror rains down on Vancouver streets as third world organized crime groups turn British Colombia into just another third world slum, supported and promoted by fiberals, with 50 years of failed social and economic policy that has be predicated on the myth that selling your children s, education, jobs, housing, along with your parents health care and retirement to third world robber barons will make you rich. Well the facts are in, with 19 to 35 year olds with a university education looking at 65% unemployment rate. Thanks generation greed we from generation screwed are not going to believe your lies any longer. we cannot, because the bullets that we are ducking are real, the poverty is real, the homelessness is real with the only thing that is an illusion is hope for a better tomorrow, because you sold it to third world organized crime groups to pay for your retirement home in Hawaii.
Score: 1

Name withheld


3:34 PM on December 12, 2010
Wow, mayven is really hitting the booze hard today!
Score: 1

Name withheld

Donald G

3:40 PM on December 12, 2010
Hopefully all of the injured are ganged up people. It does not in any way make the shootings acceptable but it does eliminate any COMPLETELY INNOCENT victims from being harmed. Crimes of this nature continue to provide confirmation of the inability of our criminal courts and penal systems to stop criminal assaults from being a part of our new Canadian way of life ... enabled in large part by the ongoing trudeau liberal judicial interpretation of the charter that securely ties the hands of the police and enables one guilty criminal after another to walk free. Unless their interpretations are changed the criminal gang situation in Canada will continue to deteriorate ... since the federal liberals and ndp continue to block any change that would remedy the situation ... regardless of the number of violent criminals being found not guilty when evidence is thrown out because the judge disagrees with the way in which it was seized. Judicial criminal contempt of the taxpayers.
Score: 0

Name withheld


3:41 PM on December 12, 2010
Tougher sentences ...hard labour in the far far north country ...and corporal punishment.

The scum-bags will get a real lesson ...The Federal Liberals in the nineties sat on their hands under Chretien ,,who had majority governments and was once Minister of Justice ...Too busy filling their pockets ..!
Score: 0

Name withheld


3:43 PM on December 12, 2010
That's right, mayven...stick your head in the sand, and all our problems fade away. News comes in all kinds of flavors -- not just sickly sweet.


3:46 PM on December 12, 2010
mike: lol mayven is a total zeek who dont know his buttocks from a hole in the ground hahaha

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