Saturday, December 11, 2010

Comments - December 11, 2010

  • Denise1234 1 day ago
    Imagine a a center where a parent could take his/her newborn to be killed. Would not you plead to the parent to rethink their decision? Would you not be moved to reach out to them and the child? I would fall to my knees and pray or follow the parent into a restaurant as well if this were happening. So what is the difference between a center that kills newborns and a center that kills embryos and fetuses? Abortion needs to be a thing of the past and Adoption needs to be the new choice of unwanted pregnancies. Abortion is violence.
  • Imagine you stop conflating infant with foetus. Cramming your ignorance down people's throat is harassment.
  • Yes, Denise1234...abortion is violence, and a woman should never be forced to undergo one against her will. The difference between a center that kills newborns and a center that kills embryos and fetuses is simple: newborns are viable life outside the mother, while embryos and fetuses are dependant on the mother and will die without her. I think if it is her health and safety that concerns us, we should let her decide without any pressure what *she* wants to do.

    I thank God there is a center where a woman can have a safe, therapeutic abortion and not have to risk her life at the hands of a med school dropout.
  • Adoption does nothing to solve the problems of a woman who cannot afford -- physically, psychologically or financially -- to be pregnant. Adoption is an alternative to parenting, not an alternative to pregnancy. There are many resources (though not nearly enough) available to assist women with children who are already born, there are no resources to assist a woman with a pregnancy. No one else can carry a fetus for a woman, after all.

    Until anti-choicers stop conflating embryos, fetuses and living children, and start understanding that women seek abortions because they don't want to be pregnant, not because they don't want to be mothers (and in fact that many are already mothers) there is no way to find common ground, because the anti-choicers aren't operating within the sphere of reality.
  • When abortion was illegal, women died in botched abortions or self-inflicted abortions. Whether you agree with abortion or not, I think you can agree that when the woman is killing herself to abort, maybe adoption ISN'T a viable option! What a woman does with her body is none of your business. Even if I was to concede abortion involves another person (which I'm not) that other person is not you. Keep your nose out of other people's business. Sidewalk counseling is violence and IT needs to be a thing of the past.
  • YouAreGuilty 23 hours ago
    Actually, when my tax dollars are paying for abortion- it is my business. When abortion is single-handedly destroying the family- the building blocks of society- than it is my business. If there was a kid getting his skull bashed in inside the variety store you were buying your cigarettes at- would you not do something about it? The general well-being of the society in which we live IS my business… so Not Guilty- if you truly thought this issue was a personal one- you would not be imposing your bull-headed beliefs on others- and just walk away from this issue and let people do as they please. Sidewalk counselling is violence! Yeah- that guy in the picture looks like a real terrorist! Oh wait a minute- I’ve got it wrong- the abortionists who kill children and sometimes women are the violent ones… silly me.
  • There's millions of children dying and suffering everyday so we can get cheap clothes at wal-mart and drive our cars, and drink our 3 dollar lattes, and think about how we're gonna decorate our houses for Christmas with plastic made in Cambodia. GO protest in front of every single store that forces children to work 12 hours a day making it's products if you really care so much about LIFE. Those are the children that need saving, not a fucking blob of cells. WAKE UP.
  • YouAreGuilty 23 hours ago
    Actually, when my tax dollars are paying for abortion- it is my business. When abortion is single-handedly destroying the family- the building blocks of society- than it is my business. If there was a kid getting his skull bashed in inside the variety store you were buying your cigarettes at- would you not do something about it? The general well-being of the society in which we live IS my business… so Not Guilty- if you truly thought this issue was a personal one- you would not be imposing your bull-headed beliefs on others- and just walk away from this issue and let people do as they please. Sidewalk counselling is violence! Yeah- that guy in the picture looks like a real terrorist! Oh wait a minute- I’ve got it wrong- the abortionists who kill children and sometimes women are the violent ones… silly me.

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