This should come as no surprise. Women choose different occupations from men. That results in different salaries.How many women work in dangerous (but high paying) jobs like in the oil fields? How many women are miners or commissioned sales people compared to men?Different choices = different outcomes.
Please read the article carefully before commenting....it said "women (...) earned just 63 per cent the salary of similarly educated men in 2007". Similarly educated!!! That doesn't mean women are making less because they are are all working as social workers and teachers (which is a stereotype by the way). It means that a woman engineer or a woman doctor is only making 63 percent of what a male doctor or engineer is making. And that is truly a shame.
Smart Canadians! You just described the definition of supply and demand and the resulting cause and effect.
I am not sure who are the researchers and how they find these findings.Late spring we were told women are making more money than men. We were also told Immigrants are doing way better than their counter parts Canadian?Yet, finding telling us immigrants are less paid then Canadian born? Are we as tax payers paying for all these non-sens findings?
Men do not make more money because they work in dangerous jobs. A woman with a Master's degree in Library science will make signficantly less than a man with a Master's or Bachelor's degree in Economics. One field is female dominated and the other is male dominated, hence the difference in pay. Pay equity issues are well documented and women do make significantly less than their male counterparts who have similar education and jobs.
Primo Bellisario
The reason women have less jobs is because most of them limit themselves from intensive labour jobs. Dont get me wrong I myself being a male dont like doing intense labour jobs as well, but those percentage of males that don't graduate take on several labour jobs.
Good point Jay. Warren Farrell's book, "The Myth of Male Power', did a great job of demonstrating not only why the gender disparity exists, but of also showing that when apples are compared to apples, women earn as much if not more than men.
This article presents the research in a certain way that favors a certain point of view. A classic problem with a research made to prove a theory, not a theory built from a research. What are the types of fields that women with high school diploma work in? Could the fields in which they work in be the least paid ones? A office clerk, a receptionist, a clientele support earns less then a construction worker or a factory worker, that is for certain. There is a huge difference between saying that gender determines the salary then to say women choose fields that are less lucrative. It would be interesting to add these statistics to the article, otherwise, the research is incomplete or the article is trying to push it's point of view by omitting details.
But what are the degrees majoring in? When I went to school for engineering we could easily tell when we went into the wrong class; it was full of women. An arts degree is useless. You learn to do nothing more than reguritate your profs opinions onto paper. So it is no wonder that they are not making money. When is the last time you saw a job add for an anthropologist?
@June,Yes, and a man with a PhD. working in a bookstore will earn 50% less than a woman with a Masters working in library sciences. It has nothing to do with whether the person is male or female. It has everything to do with choices. If a woman will do the same job for 30% less, why would anyone ever hire a man?
Catwoman 38
Actually this true.Pay equity is a problem.
I have worked side by side with women doing the exact same job, and we both got paid the SAME. This is just another myth being propagated by the feminist movement.
Is this supposed to be news? Has it not been a long standing fact that women make less than men... even in the SAME work places and positions?! Last time I checked it was $.63 to the male dollar on average. And we think we have acheived equality?! HA!
KJ in Kingston Ontario
it is quite amazing men can earn more -- given how alienating the Canadian education has become for males and how hard it is to graduate high school under the insane curriculum mandates. This remains, in part perhaps because "trades"are less easily outsourced than white collar work. I expect to see the most government functions outsourced in a decade. You can pay your municipal taxes, water bills or CRA account -- if you have any money -- in either Bangalore, Hyderabad or Mumbai
Hey Ian - Thanks for using your limited example of what you get paid compared to the females around you and extrapolating from that that the feminist movement is out to get you. It's a shame that the researchers wasted their time surveying a wide variety of jobs to come up with their findings - they could have just called you.
Why has nobody commented on the obvious? If there is indeed a take-home pay disparity, could it not be attributed to pregnancy and maternity leave? Men don't get these "benefits"...
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