Thursday, September 16, 2010

Comments - Sept 16, 2010

FriendlyFire wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 3:10 PM ETlocking criminals up for a long time , will make Winnipeg safer. What is she talking about?
Wpggal wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 3:15 PM ETGood luck with THAT Judy.....
JustWriting wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 3:18 PM ETAre you insane? I don't want any criminals lurking around my property, even if they are supposed to be "working". I can see this getting out-of-hand quickly! The answer is BOOT CAMPS! Now that would knock some discipline, respect and maybe sense into these losers! The lack of seriousness regarding the issue of crime in this city is appalling!
Jenn1980 wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 3:18 PM ETI happen to agree... especailly with youth, give them some skills and some knowledge and an actual means to live a better life and 80% of them will make the most out of the opportunity.... there are some people that can and will NEVER change.... but we cant tell that when they are in their teens.
habrider wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 3:25 PM ETHow About cleaning up the harbour in January.

Woofers wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 3:30 PM ETOn 2010/09/13 at 3:10 PM ET, FriendlyFire wrote:
> locking criminals up for a long time , will make Winnipeg
> safer. What is she talking about?

Will it really? I thought kids got locked up in MYC to learn new tricks.

I think making kids do actual work rather than lounging around in youth detention is a great idea.

smash_the_left wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 3:31 PM ETYoung criminals should be put to work fixing back lanes and repairing derelict buildings, says Winnipeg mayoral candidate Judy Wasylycia-Leis.

Hard labor/slave labor and capital punishment is all that Winnipeg (and the rest of Canada) needs, baby.
MLindaH wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 3:31 PM ETFriendlyFire wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 3:10 PM ETlocking criminals up for a long time , will make Winnipeg safer. What is she talking about?

Until they get out again.
Tired of the BS wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 3:36 PM ETGo Judy go! At least she is looking for ways to help these people out of the gang life. What has old Sammy Katz done? All he thinks about is making money for him and his buddies. He has no place in this election and Judy you've got alot of people who will be voting for you. Winnipeg needs a change and a new fresh face.
Tman77 wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 3:39 PM ETpromises promises. If she gets elected, wouldn't vote for her or Sam, let's re-visit this in a couple of years. You're right, same ol' same ol'. This political bullshit is just that.
DGD1973 wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 3:41 PM ETWhile this is a good start, I think I have a better idea. How about we implode the derelict buildings on top of the repeat offenders?
MR-point wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 3:43 PM ETit feels really nice to know one is being listened to
wpg-mom wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 3:44 PM ETThat program already exists - it's called Work Force. Instead of re-inventing the wheel, why don't we use programs that already exist?
Winnipeg Woman wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 3:48 PM ETPersonally I'd like to ship the whole bunch w-a-y up North and see how tough they are then and can survive on their own. Well that's not going to happen and I don't disagree with Judy's plan really. If they go to jail, they just pick up more ideas from more experienced criminals. The problem is whether or not there are enough people to supervise these kids when they're doing the 'work'. Or maybe they'll even get ideas about which houses look worthwhile breaking into. It's a problem and I still say we've got too many parents who don't know how to raise children.
neverlift wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 3:51 PM ET"repairing derelict buildings"

For what? No one wants to buy them, no one wants to rent them or even take responsibility for them. Damn only if I knew it was this easy I would of ran myself and promised ever Winnipeger the summer off with free beer.
MediaHater wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 4:08 PM ETJudy sure has the support of the old, blue haired community... are they both up to new ideas? Do they have vision for OUR future beyond the last few remaining years of their lives?
Bear898 wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 4:14 PM ETWhile I agree that simply stuffing people into jails doesn't solve the causes of crime, I really don't see what power she will have to act on this if elected. I'm pretty sure the majority of our justice system is a provincial/federal responsibility. It sounds nice now, but I really don't see it being acted on later.
Woofers wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 4:20 PM ETOn 2010/09/13 at 3:39 PM ET, Tman77 wrote:
> promises promises. If she gets elected, wouldn't vote
> for her or Sam

There's a big difference. Judy can say "if I get elected" because she can't do anything unless she is elected.

Sam's already been the mayor for two terms so when he says "if I get elected" I would say "what is taking you so long?"

Mimzee wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 4:22 PM ETFirst cane them, and then send them to work. Repeat offenders? 5%, not the 95% that we have now. Ask Singapore. They can still leave their cars and houses unlocked...
mr_venice wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 4:24 PM ETWhat a terrible idea.
Gangs and gang members are responsible for well over 90% of all contraband in the jails.
Let's have them roaming about the alleys of their old haunts "picking up" things, to return to secure custody...Maybe Judy should spend ONE DAY with correctional officers prior to spouting such nonsense.
christopherleary wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 4:39 PM ETHeadline: "Put gangsters to work: Wasylycia-Leis"

What? Why does she want Katz to get elected now?
BaconEggsCoffeJuice wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 5:01 PM ETProblem is, they're lazy and spineless. That's why they're in gangs in the first place. Wouldn't know what work is.
Swarlie wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 5:06 PM ETI hope voter's don't actually listen to the this woman. When it came to the brain line, she was on her union break!
SonnyboySlim wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 5:21 PM ETI agree with you, Bear 898. I'm not sure why we'd expect our civic politicians to enact this kind of program. The provincial courts are capable of mandating people to attend existing provincial and federal programs. Nonethless, it is a good idea (albeit an opprtunistic one).

Punitive discipline (like caning-???) is only effective if people already have some sense of right and wrong to attach it to. Otherwise, it's just another pointed stick to back an already messed up person into another already ugly corner. They'll simply lash out again at the first chance of freedom. they're already doing that.

You can't think about these kids like they're your sons and daughters, people. They're coming from a whole different lifestyle. An entire life time of indulgence and free of responsibility is not going to suddenly vanish with a slap to the head or a moment of humiliation.

People learn consequence and responsiblity by being given repsonsilbity and actually facing real consequences. There are many ways to feel useful but if society won't offer otions, th gangs will (and do). That's the intent behind such programs - create options. Will it work for all - no, but it might work for many.

It did for me. That's a fact.
cornergas wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 5:22 PM ETThe CBC moderators, are really politically correct on this issue..tough time getting letter published..but here goes...lots of luck with your plan Judy....but your brothers on broadway in the Legislature have to develope some back bone and start enforcing the laws against these violent criminals, no matter what age they are..and also start tough work programs as well, to pay back for the stealing, and cost they have cost society..but seems a certain demographic in this city is untouchable when it comes to you got tough sledding there Judy!
Simonkung wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 5:31 PM ETYoung criminals could be put to work fixing back lanes and old criminals will most certainly run for election.
MyPointExactly wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 5:34 PM ETBig talk about something that unfortunately will Never happen ! Human rights bull will take care of that .
yokelman wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 5:38 PM ETPut them to work without pay.
regulator911 wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 5:38 PM ETleave woofers kids alone!
yokelman wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 5:40 PM ETThey should be put work building a prison.
altatek wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 5:54 PM ETCannot do that...............violates their rights under the charter, but that charter does not apply for the normal person. Don't you just love our justice system.
LadyGreen wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 5:55 PM ETWhat do gangsters have to do with back lanes? Is she presuming gangs are responsible for destruction of property and graffiti? If so, she is clearly misguided and misinformed.

Gangsters and bored youth who graffiti are two totally different kettles of fish! Gangsters generally aim for the high end lifestyles and do not hang out in back lanes. Sometimes they cross over but rarely do gangsters have anything to do with graffiti. Occasionally they engage the fresh recruits in tagging to get messages out into the community but most graffiti artists have nothing to do with gangs. Graffiti artists start out as taggers as they get to know the tools of their trade - that does not make them gangsters.
soulchief wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 6:33 PM ETThey would need a heavy truck to be with the criminals.. You know, so they can be tied to a leash (attached to the truck) in case they try and run off.
theoldman123 wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 7:23 PM ETput criminals to work. ya have fun with that, they dont want to work theyd just rather be out comitting crimes and recking the quality of life for winnipegers wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 7:24 PM ET"Young criminals should be put to work fixing back lanes and repairing derelict buildings, says Winnipeg mayoral candidate Judy Wasylycia-Leis."

This is something I expect to hear from a conservative contender - looks like Judy is trying to shoo over to the right of the spectrum a bit to make herself view as a liberal instead of a social democrat
Fed_Up_Manitoban wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 7:54 PM ETHow about when you catch one of these thugs, you send them home to their jail? With an ankle braclet telling you when they enter our city again?
titohavanna wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 8:01 PM ETHow does the union representing city workers feel about their jobs being taken away?
lizzie24 wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 8:09 PM ETI spend my days with the at risk youth referred to in this article. Kids don't join gangs because they don't have a job. They are not going to want to enter into a program where they clean up the streets. That offers no protection.
yokelman wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 9:19 PM ETDo like in the southern U.S and dress them up in prison clothing and make them work on a chain gang picking up garbage and cleanins snow off sidedwalks.
rb_025 wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 9:26 PM ETThis aint gonna work.............Aint no gangsta's gonna join some work program...another waste of money......first hit us with the cost of immobilizers, now this, whats next?
RandomAcronym wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 9:54 PM ETMany young people who join gangs (at least the ones who can be saved) don't necessarily join because of a lack of alternatives - the gang intimidates them, and they are forced to side with the gangsters for "protection". What we need in this city is a coherent anti-gang strategy that takes a cool-headed and comprehensive look at the gang problem and how to throw a wrench in the vicious cycle of gang violence and retaliation. So far, all we've gotten is empty ideological rhetoric from both sides about getting "tough on crime" or "creating alternatives".
AlonzoMoselyFBI wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 10:05 PM ETGreat. You can start by having the criminals destroying the crap that is currently being built in the middle of Grosvernor Ave. intersections at a price of $1.2 million.
manthestan wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 10:49 PM ETWho cares.
winnipeg wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 11:08 PM ETFinally a politican with some common sense! Way to go Judy......
I've always felt young offenders need to work off their crime. Nothing wrong with roadside cleanup. I believe ball and chain is a better idea making gravel out off huge rocks using a sledge hammer. If you don't work you don't eat. This would help cure these young men very quickly.
GoldieGardener wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 11:17 PM ETYokelman wrote:

"Do like in the southern U.S and dress them up in prison clothing and make them work on a chain gang picking up garbage and cleanins snow off sidedwalks."

I say:

Employed as a gardener I have to pick up garbage and clean snow sometimes as part of the deal. What a terrible job! Breathing in all that fresh outdoor air and enjoying the sunshine! If you really want to punish these little gangsters make them wear a tie, stare at a computer all day and chain them to a desk.
dickydone wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 11:33 PM ETOk,, how about they all "work" in her neighbourhood and she can hand them some sandwiches and lemon aid. Then at night what does she propose,, that they slep at her house,, if they are lightning people on fire,, do you think they fear not actually showing up for work. Give your head a shake Judy,, what you propose is insane!
Bare-E wrote:Posted 2010/09/13
at 11:39 PM ETRandyAcronym wrote:
"What we need in this city is a coherent anti-gang strategy that takes a cool-headed and comprehensive look at the gang problem..."

Well said.
The Guardian Angels offered their services to clean up Winnipeg streets of this riff-raff, but were refused by the city.
Within their mandate the WPS are reactive, whereas the Guardian Angels are proactive in cleaning up the streets. Gangs are a major problem in Winnipeg and require an aggressive proactive approach to make the streets safe again.
It's presently out of control and it's time the city reconsider the assistance of the Guardian Angels.
NormandL wrote:Posted 2010/09/14
at 12:30 PM ETHalfway measures. Restore fully accredited Reform Trade Schools where they build school furniture, repair city vehicles and learn a full trade. They not only won't go back to gangs, they'll become contributing citizens. It worked for 2 decades after WWII, until Dief shut it down. The Libs were too busy with Quebec to restore it, so we went from 6 gangs in 1965 to 950 in 2009. Yeah, I remember. The RTS was north of my small town when I was 8 years old and they came and built new baseball bleachers at our school. They build desks, they kept the only Ambulance we had running right. And they got money banked for their efforts, which was enough to buy a truck and start making good money.

She just wants to feed them for a week or 6 months, not teach them how to feed themselves and their futures. Halfway. That RTS was a ZERO COST institution. We've got way too many halfway houses, and not enough jails. Right track, wrong vision. Katz won't go against the NeoCon grain, so we'll just get more bandaid government from either of them.
nimtorton wrote:Posted 2010/09/14
at 9:53 AM ETexcellent idea Judy.and people could take videos of the work gang as they are working and upload them on youtube.
Kowpow56 wrote:Posted 2010/09/14
at 10:03 AM ETNo, I would prefer them to do hard labour with 10 cents an hour pay, see what crime life is all about.
misty1 wrote:Posted 2010/09/14
at 10:06 AM ETI am afraid mostly smoke and mirrors here.

Putting a convict to work would be against their human rights, and the justice system would never go for it.

What a shame that most of these clowns gave so much to those they effect -- at least human right wise.
Stach45 wrote:Posted 2010/09/14
at 10:32 AM ETThis isnt about an alternative to gang lifestyle, this is about teaching values, and understanding that every action has a reaction. Parents should be teaching their children what responsibility is, and that when you make a mistake, you should learn from it, not continue into the abyss. Where has personal accountability gotten off to?
No Judy No wrote:Posted 2010/09/14
at 10:33 AM ETJudy offers nothing new. It's all social programs and tax increases. I find it especially interesting that she will not commit to holding off on tax hikes. Clearly someone has to pay for the riff-raff ride-along program.

There is a boots on the ground PAC seeking to inform Winnipeggers about the reality that is Judy Wasylycia-Leis.

Do your part... Say no to Judy Wasylycia-Leis. wrote:Posted 2010/09/14
at 10:38 AM ETDon't forget doggy parks too!
Kung Fu Johnny wrote:Posted 2010/09/14
at 10:57 AM ETThis idea is ridiculous. Having these criminals now prowling my back lane, pretending to do work for the city while scoping their next victims???

washout leechy-leech is so out of touch with reality that it's not funny. Like I want the guy who took that car at gunpoint, or stabbed a man with a screwdriver 50 times to be in my back lane for any reason.......smacks of such stupidity I cannot even fathom how any sane politician would hang their hat on it.

Criminals belong in one place....JAIL. Let's legislate some teeth for Manitoba Justice.

and run madame stupidity right out of town.
120 plus wrote:Posted 2010/09/14
at 11:15 AM ETWe have a gangster government in this country called reform/conservatives. They don't really have to experience or education to solve problems. Remember their new rules. First save the US and buy war toys to stimlate their major industry. Second, give the oil companies a free hand which they already have. Third, promise the citzens everything and give them nothing it's like Toews gum flapping spending.
Lastly, the money now has to go to Ontario and Quebec or the reform/conservatives are gone for good. Boils down to screw everyone else
Richard_Cranium wrote:Posted 2010/09/14
at 11:16 AM ETUse inmates to do work for free that union labor is getting 25 bucks an hour to do will result in those jobs affected going on strike to stop the practice. You might get away with this with a conservative and maybe even a liberal govenment. It will NEVER wash with the NDP. Good idea, bad timing.
AndrewStifora wrote:Posted 2010/09/14
at 11:20 AM ETCould not agree with you more Kung Fu Johnny. This is completely idiotic. Besides the fact that none of these miscreants would do any work even if you stood there with a cattle prod and directed them. It would be more cost effective to hire underemployed disabled people.
OMGwhatNEWS wrote:Posted 2010/09/14
at 11:28 AM ET"simply locking up offenders won't make Winnipeg any safer."

Nonsense. Locking them up instantly makes Winnipeg safer. Keeping them locked up for real amounts of time keeps Winnipeg safer and sends a strong message to those who otherwise think serious crime results in a slap on the wrist.
alwaysfrank wrote:Posted 2010/09/14
at 11:33 AM ETFrom what I have seen of this election campaign so far it is a jjoke. Neither so called front runner are dealing with civic issues. Especially crime. The crime we have today on our streets we owe to the provincial NDP. They have done nothing socially in ten years since they have taken power. They have filled the civil service full of union employees to please the union leaders with dues for their coffers but thye have forgotten about the people who need help and are not getting it. I would like to see the civic mayor candidates start talking about civic issues like cleaning my street in the winter. Get rid of the policy t hey have now. I live on a priority 3 street and it is a joke i n the winter. I pay the same taxes somebody payes on a priority 2 street and want my lane and street cleaned too. Get rid of 311. It does not work.
SFGManitoba wrote:Posted 2010/09/14
at 1:09 PM ETGreat plan, what happens when they refuse, or break the law while on the job? I'm quite sure the real scumbags can't wait for this program???
What these politicians need to understand that "real" change comes from inside, not by futile programs that eventually run out of money.
You want to do these kids a favor, take them away from the parents that don't care to instill the concept of hard work, education, and future planning. At least if you’re going to do this make sure they are far, far, away from the environment that cause the Issues, this way they at least get a chance.
The question is how do you make people care that don't care?
AttritionSleuth wrote:Posted 2010/09/14
at 1:17 PM ETThat's really rad how she is promising to do something that the federal government already does, and has been done by Katz. Good work, Judy. Way to know what's going on already!
Pragman wrote:Posted 2010/09/14
at 1:41 PM ETAlthough there may be a few holes in this plan, like all election promises, the details will need to be worked out later.

At least it's alternative to the current policies which aren't working. Katz has done nothing but buy endorsements from the police union. Its not just about putting criminals to work, they might actually meet a decent mentor! Something they will never see in the groups they run with or even in some of their families.

Spending time with someone who is relatively successful can have a positive effect on a person by causing them to question their own choices and direction. Give them something to aspire to,if you will.
lauriehoprz wrote:Posted 2010/09/14
at 2:01 PM ETso do i have this right a man gets set on fire in a back lane and the gangster dude who did it should get a job fixing the back lines yup i had it right what is this city coming to did you criminals get all this go set some one on fire and you'll get a job what a joke you are mrs judy and mr katz
budrick wrote:Posted 2010/09/14
at 6:57 PM ETI do agree with this. Too bad she's an NDPer though.
manthestan wrote:Posted 2010/09/14
at 8:31 PM ETI agree with Frank number 9. These two people who give themselves front runner status are talking like they are running for premier or prime minister. When did crime become a civic issue. The city of winnipeg is responsible for staffing the police department to protect us, not try to find ways to solve the social problems created by the province and the feds. Yes I want my streets cleaned better and i agree 311 is not efficient enough and never will be. Make transit fares lower. The Mayor promised before the last election campaign that he would make transit free for seniors from 9 am to 4 pm everyday. it never happened. My kid just turned six. His bus pass a month is fifty dollars. Give me a break. It should be 25 dollars. It is time Katz started cutting all of the fat at transit and lower the fares especially for kids and seniors. The two most vunerable in our society. Outdoor pools are sitting empty most of the summer. Why . They are too expensive. 2.50 for a kid and 4.50 for an adult. Get lost Katz. Make the outdoor pools free in the summer. We can afford it. Try to keep kids from slipping into crime and then the mayors will not have to worry about talking about it. Maybe I should run for mayor at least I am talking civic issue within the range of what a mayor is suppose to do. I am not voting for either front runner. They have no plan. I want to hear from the other candidates if they have any substance to talk about. But the media gives them no time in the paper or tv.

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