Saturday, July 31, 2010

Comments - July 31, 2010


07/31/2010 7:31 PM


1. There is no way in heII this guy has a job, hence legal aid.
2. Yes, all the lawbreakers are savage jobless blacks.

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07/31/2010 6:20 PM

Saggy pants that go below the crotch and butt are supposed to symbolize that you have gone jail time. When someone is arrested their belt is taken away for security reasons. Apart form simply looking like trash, no one who even pretends to be a decent human being would consider being a jailbird to be a badge of pride. Why are they surprised when they dress like trash, and walk like trash, and behave like trash, and talk like trash that people think they are trash. Chances are pretty strong that they are trash. Fanny packs, bell-bottoms, trucker caps, or leisure suits don’t expose underwear or butts.

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07/31/2010 8:55 AM

@jimbo. Unlike you and your fellow r@cists, i dont long in under multiple avoid detection. Go comment about the black lady in handcuffs on the cover today. Oh my bad...SNOOKI aint black! what a surprise. I guess the NYPOST h@te fat people too!

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07/31/2010 6:25 AM

This style , which originated in jail , simply means
"I am ready to take it up the poop shoot."

Girlie men unite . It is your right . Nice and tight . Right ?

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Darwin Was Right They Are Savages

07/30/2010 8:46 PM

It's not any worse than seeing those obese ghetto messes wearing spandex shirts that are too tight allowing their muffin tops to extend over their ghetto bodies.

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07/30/2010 1:38 PM

Personally, I find it very unattractive and can't understand how it can possibly be comfortable to be pulling up your pants all the time, so long as they are not exposing their privates, they should be allowed to wear what they want. Call it a fashion statement if you will, but I don't understand why anyone would want to look like they were in jail?

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07/30/2010 1:06 PM

ahahha good one AND true lochness...personaly i go commando,,

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07/30/2010 11:17 AM

Hey, let em' wear them, easier to pick out the criminals!

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07/30/2010 11:13 AM

What I find amusing (if it's even possible to use that word in this context) about all of the disgusting, bigoted comments is the number of people who talk about minorities "not working" without stopping to think that this police officer's actions meant that the guy in the baggy pants had to show up for court, missing a day's work if he did, in fact, have a job. Nobody stops to think about that while they're rooting for policement having unlimited power to ticket and arrest anyone they want for any asinine reason.

You should all visit the courthouse and see the lists of hundreds of "perps" each day who have to waste their time going to court (and returning again and again if they want to do anything other than cop a plea for their own convenience) and ask yourself if you really think that there are that many people in New York breaking the law every day. Then ask yourself if they're all jobless, savage black people.

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07/30/2010 11:06 AM

@LoyalJetsFan: Yes, I get it. I get that you think the rule of law is less important than "cultural norms"- whatever they are, or whatever someone decides them to be. Whether the policeman is a father or not or whether this kid has a father (both absurd guesses that come from no actual evidence) is irrelevent- the person who broke the law was the policeman. He abused his power by issuing a summons for something that is not and never was a crime in New York. The Judge had no more responsibility to "reprimand" the kid with the pants than he does to reprimand fat people who wear too-tight shirts, office workers who don't realize short sleeves are inappropriate business attire, or women with open toed sandals and gnarly toes. A judge's concern should be with the law, and not with giving advice to people who committed no crime. The same goes for a policeman.

Are you a racist? I have no idea. I don't know you. What I do know is that nobody issued citations to white people for fanny packs, bell-bottoms, trucker caps, or leisure suits when those absurd fashions were in style. I know that there are plenty of non-black people who sport the low-rider look, and yet pretty much all the comments here are directed at black people. I don't know- I think the clothing Sarah Jessica Parker wore on Sex and the City for seven years was pretty demeaning to women. But oddly, nobody thought it should be illegal. Could it have anything to do with the facts of economic class and race? Gosh, I just don't know.

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07/30/2010 8:07 AM

Well-well, look who’s back, are you going to stick with one name today? Btw you’re so good at Ghetto Talk and such it makes one think that you are the one with Trailer Park experience which by your standard is something undesirable. Also I might add that your comments about trailer parks show your typical Liberal ability to say something both racist and prejudicial while chastising someone else for the same thing – why don’t you grow up.

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Tiny Johnson

07/30/2010 3:26 AM

What I rerally object to are the skids marks on his tighty whities.

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07/30/2010 3:01 AM

The next thing these moronic slimeballs are gonna do is wear no underwear.

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Cactus Jack

07/30/2010 12:31 AM


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guided by facts

07/29/2010 10:59 PM

"... as they do not offend public order and decency," the judge wrote.

-=-= er, Judge? this defends public decency. that being said my position is if they want to enforce this Law they need to crack down on women showing prostitute clevage and walking around with their butt hanging out from under their short shorts. in short, if you gonna make a law do it like you mean it.

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07/29/2010 10:17 PM

A culture in which some are oddly very proud.

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07/29/2010 9:38 PM

Why waste money on Jeans ? Anyway , sooner or later it will all fade away .

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07/29/2010 9:24 PM

I wonder how many of these fashion afficinados even know where the saggy pant look originated. Its a jailhouse thing, where for protection, an inmate submitted to another's sexual advances for protection. Saggy pants indicate that he is his protector's (female dog).

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07/29/2010 8:46 PM

its a rump rangers thing,,any jack wagon with his pants down is trolling for schlong, thats what it means in prison. so all you pickle puffers with you pants down, your advertising to get raped

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rum and coke

07/29/2010 7:47 PM


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rum and coke

07/29/2010 7:29 PM


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Big Stein

07/29/2010 7:04 PM

Arod in the offseason

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07/29/2010 5:39 PM

Remember as you !d!ots will forget. That aint even a black kid..he's remember this isnt a black thing. Go to the trailer parks of your family and see the same thing.

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07/29/2010 2:25 PM

"Fashion exists for women with no taste...." - Queen Marie of Romania (1875-1938)

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07/29/2010 2:03 PM

I don't mind the saggy pants. Lets you know who's fit to regard as human or not.

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Really now

07/29/2010 1:31 PM

Did I wake up in Iran? Maybe we should make women start wearing burqas. This is still a free country last time I checked. Funny how those on the right always complain that Obama is taking away our freedoms, but, in truth, it is actually those on the right that look to take away freedoms of anyone not in lock step with them.

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07/29/2010 1:11 PM

who gets up in the morning and thinks this is a good idea?

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Sidney Falco

07/29/2010 12:57 PM

Nice a**!!!

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07/29/2010 12:56 PM

It's amazing how many trailor park f@@ls support this paper. The picture is of a latino kid, but your h@tred towards bl@ck people if evident. Try expressing it to someones face rather than hide behind your pc. You all are a bunch of cowards.

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07/29/2010 12:19 PM

Apart from looking stupid, just answer me this one question - don't your pants fall down when you walk fast, what about running? They're gonna fall right down to your ankles and trip you up. We're only thinking of your safety.

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07/29/2010 12:05 PM

Rum & Coke - you need to change your drink..try something with CARROTS in it to improve your vision.

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07/29/2010 12:04 PM

Oh by the way - the picture they here happens to be a LATIN/SPANISH KID. Not black. But of course you !diots didnt catch that.

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rum and coke

07/29/2010 12:03 PM


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07/29/2010 12:02 PM

Jerry & Rum/Coke
You two miserable people help support this R@cist Newspaper. You two seem to IGNORE all the "ghetto" white kids that DRESS THE SAME EXACT WAY. Take a trip to HOWARD BEACH,BENSONHURST or STATEN ISLAND. You see the same exact thing.

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07/29/2010 11:39 AM

Senator Adams has no other work to do but worry about baggy trousers? This is what our elected officials are paid to do? Aside from the style being around since the 80's and devoid of any creativity on the part of dress or youth rebellion the real problem is that people should channel their outride dissatisfaction with our government in the form of protest. There should be protests daily against the banks who ran the economy into the ground and then were rewarded with our tax money with super bonus's to the very people who were aware of the consequences of their actions. Worry about that Sen Adams.

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Juan Hunoz

07/29/2010 11:35 AM

Free at last! Free at last!

Good God almighty, check out my a55???

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rum and coke

07/29/2010 11:26 AM


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07/29/2010 11:24 AM

Martin Luther King's dream has come true.Blacks can walk the streets looking like idiots.

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07/29/2010 11:23 AM

It's a Ghettorific life yo, garbage is garbage.

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rum and coke

07/29/2010 11:22 AM


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07/29/2010 11:18 AM

If Sean Bell's girlfriend and friends can get SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS from NYC for Bell having attempted to murder police officers, why can't blacks walk around like fools with their pants hanging around their ankles?

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07/29/2010 11:16 AM

Maybe this WAS what the civil rights movement was all about.
Giving SOME black/brown men the public ability
to show off what a dummy they is..are..whatever..

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07/29/2010 11:15 AM

i love seeing butts, so its a good call in my book. LOL!

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07/29/2010 11:13 AM

Tricia G asks...
"Should fat people wearing leggings be fined too?"

The answer to that is an em-FAT-ic YES!!
-they SHOULD BE fined for wearing leggings
simply because they look gross and are OFFENSIVE
to the normal eye of the normal person.

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rum and coke

07/29/2010 11:11 AM


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07/29/2010 11:11 AM

I personally don't like the look but he's within his rights to look like that. One should not conform to norms. People need to loosen up.

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Foxy Lady

07/29/2010 11:10 AM

This will make it easy for his rivals to shoot him as he won't be able to run!

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rum and coke

07/29/2010 11:08 AM


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07/29/2010 11:00 AM

Martinez could not be reached and his Legal Aid lawyer did not return calls for comment.

Julio Martinez + Legal Aid Lawyer = NO SURPRISE. What a country.

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07/29/2010 10:58 AM

People have the right to wear whatever they want. It is neither the governments place nor a police officers right to dictate it.

When you start dictating to people what they can and cannot wear, irrespective of what it looks like, then you are infringing on their civil liberties. People in a supposed "free" country have the right to dress whatever way they chose. Just because he or she looks like a complete idiot (in my opinion) has absolutely NOTHING to do with it.

Should fat people wearing leggings be fined too?

Or how about people wearing Boston Red Sox hats in NYC?

Have you SEEN some of those "spotted at Walmart" pictures!? There are plenty of outfits out there that disgust me but that's for me to deal with.

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07/29/2010 10:48 AM

Drunk with Power Pig Cop.

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rum and coke

07/29/2010 10:45 AM


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The Mouse That Roared

07/29/2010 10:43 AM

Has anyone else noticed that almost everyone of these jèrks has a "MUŠHY TUŠHY".......?

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07/29/2010 10:39 AM

Juan - hilarious - thank you

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519 Y&R

07/29/2010 10:37 AM

I'm really angry at the judge for not sending this jerk to rikers so that he can really enjoy wearing his pants like this. He really looks like moran look at the way he wears his hair his head is crying out for a hair cut. He is a savage. He is a waste to society I also think he is trying to fine himself he is crying out for help. Somebody please help him over a cliff. Just imagine all his little bastards looking like this, yak.

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Carolina Bluebird

07/29/2010 10:20 AM what universe is showing your underwear and potentially your private parts considered decent?

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07/29/2010 10:08 AM

@Phaed - I'll get serious for a moment: I don't see this as a matter of "rights" or "freedom of speech". This is a matter of preserving social norms that contribute to a healthy society. Parents usually do this, unless they are absent or grossly uninvolved. People who are "a law unto themselves" tend to do whatever the h.e.ll they think is novel whenever they want, and it starts with the small things. That's why we have social norms. The founders knew that in order to preserve our freedoms we would have to be able to govern ourselves - each individually.

The boy here obviously doesn't (a) have a father or (b) has a father who gives a sh*t. And the judge missed an opportunity. Imagine if he had the following dialogue with the boy:

"Son, I have to dismiss the charges because, technically, it is not consistent with the Constitution which, right or wrong, gives you the right to dress like a idiot. A case could be made for indecent exposure, but frankly the court has more important things to do, like hear cases of crime - murder, rape, robbery. Now if you were my son, I would slap you upside the head. This style of dress is demeaning to you - you are demeaning yourself. I suggest you think long and hard, and make a change. I've seen a lot of your type come thru here - rebelling against society - and it won't be long before you meet me again on a more serious charge - that's the path your on, son. So do yourself a favor - dress like you have a little self respect, and a little respect for the people around you. Make something of yourself, instead of dressing like a prison inmate."

No - he didn't say that. He chose to villanize the cop (who is probably a father). Do you get it?

Lastly if you look at my posts, I don't think you will find me denigrating the boy's or judge's race.

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07/29/2010 10:03 AM

This be da look of da black man today. It's very artistic and fashionable. Must get laid like all the time. How do the pants stay at that level without going to his ankles. It's truly amazing don't you think? I hope after this pic was taken a bus took this POS out or something. One less skell in this country always makes my day.

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07/29/2010 9:59 AM

If you're on Facebook (and if you're interested..)
there's a group on FB devoted to deriding this idiot prison-sympatico culture that has spread into the outside world.
There are nearly 228,000 people signed on
-all in agreement with us.

Go look for Pull Your F***ing Trousers Up!
and you should find it easily.
On Facebook!

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you cant ban da troof

07/29/2010 9:58 AM

While you're "resting" and refusing to be a part of our productive society, can you please keep your bullets out of it too?

What do you care? nobody is shooting you. When they stopped shooting in Harlem, you moved in.. And we just dont want that in my section of Brooklyn. We dont want IV drugs, meth, pedos and other things whites loooove in our communities

You can't pick and choose whether you want to be a part of society.

We can, and we did. Nobody F's with yall. You see the Dominicans, they come over, do their own thing, West Indians, Haitans and so on. Nobody attempts to integrate, but fools. I get just as much pleasure driving my Rover through Bed-Stuy as I would Bay Ridge.

You have no problem cashing the checks we send you via welfare.

My ancestors worked for yours and made it possible for you to be in a position to send the checks. Now you work for those that cant, or won't. No blacks were exempt then, and no whites are exempt now. Ironic, turn of events. I work for mine. But others don't and I'm fine with that. But lets cut the bs, my community lives wayyy better then what welfare would pay for. we are good over here. you are just mad that we dont work for/with you, lol

ps. I really cant wait for that obamahealthcare to kick in. its gonna go good, with my brownstones. my wife works for the city for our healthcare. we really dont need her salary. free healthcare and self enterprise. just like the rest of the civilised world.

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you cant ban da troof

07/29/2010 9:55 AM

While you're "resting" and refusing to be a part of our productive society, can you please keep your bullets out of it too?

What do you care? nobody is shooting you. When they stopped shooting in Harlem, you moved in.. And we just dont want that in my section of Brooklyn. We dont want IV drugs, meth, pedos and other things whites loooove in our communities

You can't pick and choose whether you want to be a part of society.

We can, and we did. Nobody F's with yall. You see the Dominicans, they come over, do their own thing, West Indians, Haitans and so on. Nobody attempts to integrate, but fools. I get just as much pleasure driving my Rover through Bed-Stuy as I would Bay Ridge.

You have no problem cashing the checks we send you via welfare.

My ancestors worked for yours and made it possible for you to be in a position to send the checks. Now you work for those that cant, or won't. No blacks were exempt then, and no whites are exempt now. Ironic, turn of events. I work for mine. But others don't and I'm fine with that. But lets cut the bs, my community lives wayyy better then what welfare would pay for. we are good over here. you are just mad that we dont work for/with you, lol

ps. I really cant wait for that obamahealthcare to kick in. its gonna go good, with my brownstones. my wife works for the city for our healthcare. we really dont need her salary. free healthcare and self enterprise. just like the rest of the civilised world.

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07/29/2010 9:45 AM

My question always is, why would anyone WANT to wear their pants like this? Do these people not realize that they look like 13 year olds desperately trying to look cool?

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07/29/2010 9:43 AM

What an excellent use of NY tax payers money! Maybe the Bronx officials should take it all the way to the Supreme Court of the US!

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519 Y&R

07/29/2010 9:42 AM

What is more disgusting is women who walk the street with a man looking like this. When ever I see women walking with a man looking like this I get so angry. Man who look like this are nothing but subway rats, nasty and disgusting. To the cop that give to jacka55 this ticket I commend you for that. It's time that a law pass for these jacka55 to keep the pants on there waist. To all the women that walk the street with men this way they are also lowlife and subway rats that should be ran over by a train because you are no good to the community. David Patterson needs to pass a law quickly so that these fools not only get ticketed but also be jailed along with whomever is next to them

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07/29/2010 9:42 AM

All i have to say is the other day i walked passed a group of ten kids, Yes African American, and they were in front of a school, and i didn't understand a SINGLE word that was said for nearly a minute, well except the N word which was said over 100 times even by the young girls, and all of the guys had their pants around their ankles. I'm telling you i have never in my life been more shocked, that hunmans could regress to this level.. and the parents and schools let it happen.. If you don;t believe me that the kids of this generation are at an APEX of stupidity, pay attention next time you see a group of minority kids walking around.. you won't understand their language either.. it's a disgrace that it has gotten to this level.

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07/29/2010 9:41 AM

Just give this a-wipe the wedgie from hell everytime he comes near you.

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07/29/2010 9:40 AM

Imagine the poor shlub who allows his daughter to date .this lowlife pile of rat puss. If my daughter brought a POS like this home I'd have to teach this a-wipe a little respect. Matbe the wedgie from hell might work. But actually no daughter of mine would be allowed to date a skell like that anyway. Scary the lowlives in our society.

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07/29/2010 9:36 AM

we` shoul allow and even encourage people who think wearing their pants sagging . this way we can easily spot the knuckle draggers and cave man types. It would be equivalent to wearing a sign that says I am an idioit, becarefull around me.

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07/29/2010 9:36 AM

Where's General Larry Platt when you need him.....
Pants on the ground.... Youtube it...

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Tiny Johnson

07/29/2010 9:34 AM

Search for, IQ and the Wealth of Nations. That's the reason some people are on top and others at the bottom. The first 5 countries are small areas populated mostly by the elite so I wouldn't put too much weight on it but if you look at the rest it is quite revealing.

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07/29/2010 9:31 AM

Some people need to go find the one kid on the block who stayed in school past 8th grade if they want to comment on these stories. That way they can narrate what they want to say and he can type it for them in English. I can sit and decipher the ridiculous jargon that our lawmakers use to write the laws (just to make themselves feel smart) all day without any trouble. Then I come on here and get a friggen migraine trying to figure out wtf some of these people are trying to say.

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07/29/2010 9:31 AM

Since you're the one who is talking about legislating how people dress and I'm the one who's saying that people should learn to mind their own business, I'm trying to figure out where you see me trying to "take away the rights of the group that offended [me]"

But, for the sake of argument, what exactly do you consider the rights of people in this country? Your own words. I'd like some idea of your personal understanding of the Constitution and the ideas leading up to it (The Federalist Papers, Common Sense, etc) before I bother to argue this anymore.
The attempt to even try to have a civilised discussion when people log in here anonymously so that they have the freedom to refer to black people as gorillas, knuckle-draggers, and every other slave-master stereotype under the sun is kind of futile. I'm not sure why I even botheres.

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07/29/2010 9:30 AM

you know, i"m mel gibson mad about the treatment these kids get, i call them gen-bag. i wear a suit everyday to work, i am very busy, no time to take a break and it"s dog-eat-dog out there. i wear my pants that way as well because when have to go number 2 at work i needed a quicker way to shat-n-run and wearing my pants prison style allows me to get back to work quicker, get noticed by my boss and no doubt a forthcoming promotion. thanks gen-bag.

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07/29/2010 9:28 AM

The dreds and baggy pants profile this idiot for a stop and frisk! He's got to be a thug.

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you cant ban da troof

07/29/2010 9:28 AM

You sound like you've given up too.

Big difference between giving up, and saying F yall..

You are obviously new here, so I will introduce myself. my name is da troof, because thats all you get. I havent given up at all. I own brownstones, throughout my community.. all paid for. we rent them. We've been in buisness almost 35 yrs. My pops never kissed wp @ss, and its something he passed on to me. I dont either. I make my rent money, in recession, right wing presidency, war time or peace. I'm willing to bet, I live better than most of you. But I also see the attitudes around me. I speak to young people in my community. So, I am speaking for them in this forum. I know who I am. And its no hate at all against anybody. I dont have to. I dont need yall for anything, so why would I? I have everything I have ever wanted and more in life. therefore you always get da troof.

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07/29/2010 9:24 AM

I agree i cant stand the Pants hanging low thing and i am Black ut here is whre i want to point out to every idiot who says that it whould be a ticket fr indecent exposure . HAs any one eever gone to Manhattan and seen som of the clothing these so called young white females are wearing . i once saw a girl wearing a dress where i could see her underwear and cheeks WHile she was standing? i asked Myself How She could sit in that outfit? this become a race issue when u say indecent exposure is why the ticket should be issued but leave the young white kids to EXPRESS themselves in some pretty hookr...Dave shappel said u may not be a Hookr But u are wearing a HOOKRS outfit ....If u tickets one ticket them all...blacks ar eused to being harrassed and targeted when they start doing tht to some of those Beverly Hills Kids fr some pretty street walker Outfits I bet this gets address as Freedom Of Expression once again...U cant target one While Ignoring the other

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07/29/2010 9:21 AM

I am surprised Obama doesn't wear his pants like this...

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Mammy Obammy

07/29/2010 9:18 AM

As a NYC Police Officer I love this look on a knuckledragger because it makes them easier to catch. They trip over their own pants after a crime and I don't have to work up a sweat catching the lip!!!!

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you cant ban da troof

07/29/2010 9:17 AM

Bronx Zoo

07/29/2010 8:12 AM

Thank you "da troof" for admitting that your people are lazy and refuse to work and instead just sit around living off of the clean productive americans who work and pay taxes. I know it took a lot of soul searching for you to realize and admit that fact.

Took nothing for me to admit ANYTHING, you just stopped living off us, in 1865, and was still hosing us down in 1965. Its time for us to rest. You should work more than we do. U F it up, more than we do. But dont put words in my mouth, I never said we were lazy, we will outwork you any day. I said, they dont want to be around you, labor wise, for any amount.
Most minorities don't. Its not like the Mexicans, came over and took our places next to you in the workforce. Its always someone elses fault, in your eyes. But, you know how bad it must be, when a man would rather risk imprisonment, his, way, then apply with you. no minorities like the bs, that wp sit around and cook up, so they rarely participate. The races are trying to do for self, and there is nobody to coddle wp. so you have you society as you always wanted it. fine by us. there was a time, our people begged you to be a part of your wars, industries, and to prove themselves. now, they dont care what you think about them. Nobody leaches off you, unless you count minorities making money from quenching whites unyielding drug appetites. for we are not in jail for welfare fraud, and not because my hood smokes crack.. its from selling it to you. get over yourselves, nobody is fiending for your jobs or to be next to you. Nobody. Your beef is not with us though, worry about the intelligent people, in the "uncivilized" countries, your people are off-shoring your jobs too.

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07/29/2010 9:17 AM

Oh da troof don't be embarrassed and try to backtrack now. It's ok. You made some good progress by admitting da real troof about the situation. I am proud of you. I just have one request. While you're "resting" and refusing to be a part of our productive society, can you please keep your bullets out of it too? Because if you don't want to offer anything of value to our society, at least stop taking away from it with all of your violent crime. Either in or out. You can't pick and choose whether you want to be a part of society. You have no problem cashing the checks we send you via welfare. So please show the same eagerness to obey our laws.

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07/29/2010 9:15 AM

I am not angry or disgusted. I am worried about the nation's economy. This individual will contribute nothing to the GDP over his lifetime. But I bet he thinks he has a cute arse until he gets into prison where it is high risk to wear your pants that way.

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07/29/2010 9:12 AM

@Phaed - talk all you want, pal. You can be sure we won't stop while the idiocy goes on and on and on.

Why is it that when people hear things they don't want to hear, they bleat that their rights are being threatened? And then they respond by threatening to ACTUALLY take away the rights of the group that offended them? TYPICAL LIBERAL.

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07/29/2010 9:08 AM

Such people are the unwanted children
of unwanted children
of unwanted children
of unwanted children.

After a few generations of the resulting dislike and dis-chord in what passes for a household starts to get into the DNA.

This has been described as the poverty trap.
And the poor will always be with us
simply because the mentally-insufficient will always be with us.

Poverty comes as a result of poor decision-making
and its close friend, NO decision-making
-NOT because you're white or black or Puerto Rican

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07/29/2010 9:07 AM

He is an idiot its indecent exposure and the President even mentioned it as being a reason to give a ticket to someone who cannot keep there pants up. If you go see a judge with your hat on or pants sagging then you could be sent back to the holding cell until you learn some etiquette. Giving them tickets will stop that real quick when they go tell the others why they are there and have to pay a fine. If a woman wears her breast out then i guess that ok too.

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you cant ban da troof

07/29/2010 9:06 AM

Bronx Zoo

07/29/2010 8:12 AM

Thank you "da troof" for admitting that your people are lazy and refuse to work and instead just sit around living off of the clean productive americans who work and pay taxes. I know it took a lot of soul searching for you to realize and admit that fact.

Took nothing for me to admit ANYTHING, you just stopped living off us, in 1865, and was still hosing us down in 1965. Its time for us to rest. You should work more than we do. U F it up, more than we do. But dont put words in my mouth, I never said we were lazy, we will outwork you any day. I said, they dont want to be around you, labor wise, for any amount.
Most minorities don't. Its not like the Mexicans, came over and took our places next to you in the workforce. Its always someone elses fault, in your eyes. But, you know how bad it must be, when a man would rather risk imprisonment, his, way, then apply with you. no minorities like the bs, that wp sit around and cook up, so they rarely participate. The races are trying to do for self, and there is nobody to coddle wp. so you have you society as you always wanted it. fine by us. there was a time, our people begged you to be a part of your wars, industries, and to prove themselves. now, they dont care what you think about them. Nobody leaches off you, unless you count minorities making money from quenching whites unyielding drug appetites. for we are not in jail for welfare fraud, and not because my hood smokes crack.. its from selling it to you. get over yourselves, nobody is fiending for your jobs or to be next to you. Nobody. Your beef is not with us though, worry about the intelligent people, in the "uncivilized" countries, your people are off-shoring your jobs too.

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rum and coke

07/29/2010 9:06 AM


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Tiny Johnson

07/29/2010 9:03 AM

Sunny, it's not indecent exposure, it's just ret@rded. I guess you didn't read what I said about it being legal for a female to walk arounf topless. This is really anti male when you single out boys for wearing stupid looking clothes but yet females wear bathing suits where you can see their klit.

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07/29/2010 9:02 AM

LoyalJetFan: No, just an understanding of the Constitution and the founding principles of the country. Though I do recall reading of the debates in the 18th Century- "Freedom of speech is an inalienable right!" "But what about the children?!?!"
By the way, I consider Tea Party rallies idiotic behavior- let's move to ban them.

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07/29/2010 9:00 AM

Rev. Al, Rev. Jessie - here's one reason why the black man is looked at in a negative light. Look how pathetic this idiot looks.

What a tool.

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07/29/2010 8:55 AM

Its plainly INDECENT EXPOSURE. These are the kinds of freaking Liberal judges we are overrun with now. Ruben Franco, what a piece of gargbage.

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07/29/2010 8:53 AM

Mr. Stansfield - you obviously don't have kids. Nor do you have a sense of shame if you can't be embarrassed by the picture at the top of this article. A little public shame and scorn for idiotic public behavior is a GOOD thing. As a society we are rapidly losing our ability to blush.

Lets turn the tables: how about we quit hectoring society on the evils of smoking, eating meat, leaving a carbon footprint, and driving SUVs, for example? Nah - those are holy cows!

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07/29/2010 8:52 AM

you better be using clorox or pray to god that you dont get sweaty butt.

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07/29/2010 8:46 AM

What a wonderful place The Bronx has become.

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07/29/2010 8:43 AM

Where to begin?

@NYC-Independent - based on the unintelligible comments here defending the pants-at-the-knees style, let's hypothesize that lack of education is a contributing factor to this ridiculous trend.

@Verus - Lady Gaga's popularity only underlines the culture's acceptance of this sort of garbage. Throw Jersey Shore in that mix, too. If you scan the comments on Lady Gaga articles, you will see that many people are outraged by her behavior and attempt to be a "trend-setter"

@Toldy-told - OK. I'll take the bait. "Put on a belt podner, before someone belts you in the mouth. But I won't...I won't......the h.e.ll I won't!!"

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Chris Stansfield

07/29/2010 8:40 AM

Mr. Reality: Yes, I do remember learning in my civics classes that the Founders fought for life, liberty (as long as it doesn't show underpants), the pursuit of happiness (as long as some person who doesn't think his kids have ever or will ever see a rear end isn't offended by it), and the avoidance of seeing buttocks.

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Tiny Johnson

07/29/2010 8:40 AM

Cops are stupid and although the kid looks like an @sshole it's none of the cop's business.And the Post should have shown his face so everyone could laugh at him.

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07/29/2010 8:39 AM

Correct me if I am wrong. Now I know this is a thing that was started in prison, but in prison didn't this mean that you were someone's "b*tch." I thought I heard that somewhere. If its true or not, the whole thing is still ridiculous. You look like a moron, and giving me and anyone else more the reason to kick you right in the butt, you already have it hanging out there.

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Chris Stansfield

07/29/2010 8:39 AM

Loyal Jet Fan: I guess it's too much to assume that an American would be aware of the fact that we separate the roles of policeman, judge, and legislator for a reason in a democracy. The Judge didn't "undermine the policeman." The policeman undermined the law by overstepping his authority and believing he had the power to enact legislation through the force of his uniform and gun.

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Mr. Reality

07/29/2010 8:38 AM


spoken like the true liberal that you are. However, I may not want my 4 year old to be exposed to someone's azz. I have that right too.

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Chris Stansfield

07/29/2010 8:36 AM

It's amazing how the same people who insist that the government should stay out of healthcare, business regulation, the environment, and everything else that actually can protect the country are always the ones who think their personal prejudices should be made into law. Do I think the baggy pants look is stupid? Yes. Do I wear my pants that way? No. Do I think it's any or my damn business? Hell no. And it's not the police's, the government's, or yours, either. I can always count on the New York Post comments section, however, for my daily dose of nauseating bigotry. Thanks for that.

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07/29/2010 8:34 AM

People bltch and moan about Some kids wearing saggy pants. But lady Gaga is our New York Darling when she struts her cooch around town in panties and bras or some absurd assortment of articles that are somehow supposed to create an "outfit". I dont see any banners against her style, she looks a fool and shes labeled "CREATIVE". I guess its only ok to look and act ridiculous when its lining someones pockets. I see the difference now.

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Toidy Toid and Toid

07/29/2010 8:29 AM

John Wayne never wore saggy pants in a movie. Now imagine a "saggy pants Western" starring John Wayne.

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07/29/2010 8:29 AM

This is a fashion of the day - it may be a bit "odd" but so be it. Let us be concerned more that these "baggy pants" kids have a good education. Live and let live... no harm done!

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07/29/2010 8:28 AM

"The issuance of this summons appears to be an attempt by one police officer to show his displeasure with a particular style of dress," the judge said.

Nice going, Judge. Undermine the police officer. You just lowered respect for the police one more notch, at least with this hood's gang.

There once was a time when the judge would give the kid a scolding even if he had to let him off on constitutional grounds. Not so here. Vindicate the absurd behavior.

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07/29/2010 8:28 AM

Lets see because i wounder about the word FREEDOM i say lets stay out of peoples buisness and way of life.fffffffffnnnnnn Government is fffnnn overstepping and does not have a wright to boss us around ok to do this but not eat this rangel steels us blind and it ok look at all the good he has done BS jail him.Ok lost my way FREEDOM stay out of peoples way and stop thinking FREELOADING is OK get a job and alot of things and feelings change you must work FREELOADING is wrong

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07/29/2010 8:26 AM

"You're looking like a fool with your pants on the ground."

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Toidy Toid and Toid

07/29/2010 8:25 AM

"that may be true, but the fact of the matter is, these guys are not interested in working alongside yall, anyway. that ship has long sailed. many of them have given up on "fair play" in the workforce. thus the reason industry is so bad in the US today. Only wp were working, (through you own devices) and with no minorities to shaft in pay anymore, labor costs, were unduly high. of course its cheaper to offshore, lol This is a segment of folk that feels given up on. Many cant vote or find descent work, because of non violent drug convictions, so they choose to not work at all. In some regards, I dont blame them. you dont get to scarlet letter them, condemning them to low cost labor for the rest of their lives. nice try, at recreating "legal" slavery but, you never anticipated brothers, would get fed up, and totally disengage from working for you totally. ever hear them talking about the recession, or job shrinkage? nope, the market rarely affects those that never had jobs. its funny how you notice their jeans, but nobody notices their plight. They have a lot more things on their minds than belts or what you think."


You sound like you've given up too.

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07/29/2010 8:25 AM

Ill go ahead and tell my Ghetto Friends to Pull their pants up if you go and tell your Hipster friends that its not ok for men straight or gay to wear cleavage shirts, poom poom (booty) shorts and loafers.

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Juan Hunoz

07/29/2010 8:19 AM



It's just the good old New York Post continuing their never-ending quest to promote racial harmony in the Big Apple.

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Bronx Zoo

07/29/2010 8:12 AM

Thank you "da troof" for admitting that your people are lazy and refuse to work and instead just sit around living off of the clean productive americans who work and pay taxes. I know it took a lot of soul searching for you to realize and admit that fact.

Do all of you really want them fining minorities for every single thing they do that is disgusting or offensive to normal intelligent people? I mean really think about that for a second. That's like giving your kids a fine for misbehaving when their only source of income is the allowance you pay them. Like "da troof" said, we all agree that these people don't work for their money. They leech off of the taxpayers. Taxes would have to quadruple so the welfare system could hand them enough money so they could pay all their fines. The intelligent civilized people they are offending are also the ones paying the fines.

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Long Islander

07/29/2010 8:11 AM

It just as well; otherwise, how else can we tell the difference between the ghetto trash and not-quite-as-ghetto-trash?

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07/29/2010 8:09 AM

Judge's name ruben franco from the bronx...nuff said. The moron says people can wear anyhting as along as public decency isn't offended. Well guess what you mindless tuit judge, public decency is offended. Only thing we can do as a society is not cater to this prison gear. "As a man thinketh he is" these peasants dress as if in prison, they complain about averything and have nothing in life to show but their underwear...bufons

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07/29/2010 8:09 AM


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07/29/2010 8:07 AM

I can't wait til women follow this trend. Yippee...oh right, that's when the law will changed.

The judge obviously likes watching young teen boy butt.

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07/29/2010 8:06 AM

It's quite obvious the boy in the picture has no father to smack him in the head:

"Pull up those pants and put on a belt you j*ck*ss. And how about getting a pair of pants that don't have holes and stains on them. Do you think people want to see your armpits? Put on a shirt! And straighten out that d*mn hat before I straighten it out for you. Maybe if you'd dress like a normal person, cut off those damn dreadlocks, you'd get yourself a job make something of yourself. At least you could pay for your own d*mn cellphone. What do you want to do, look like a Jamaican drug dealer your whole life? Time to take control of your life pal. Get it done NOW!"

He obviously has no father.

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The Mouse That Roared

07/29/2010 8:04 AM

The lower the PANTS, the lower the IQ!

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politicians are slime

07/29/2010 7:54 AM

All I want is a job!

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07/29/2010 7:49 AM

I have been in prison and I have never seen any of the inmates wear their uniform like that. Because a lot of the CO's do not tolerate it. Even the Warden put a rule into effect that "No inmate will wear his uniform like that in my prison". It is the most disgusting thing to do. The fine should be at least $75.00 for the first time a person is caught. Then it should go up if the person continues to violate the law. Why would someone want to look a a persons butt?

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07/29/2010 7:36 AM

Ollie, shame? What shame? They don't feel embarrassed about anything at all. They're copying PRISON FASHION. The times have changed, my friend.

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Mr. Reality

07/29/2010 7:30 AM

"A Bronx judge"

That makes all the sense in the world. The Bronx, should not have judges.

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07/29/2010 7:30 AM

Oh dear...
so the poor things are feeling all "dis-enfranchised" by Whitey.
Ain't that a shame?
Does that make them useless louts?

And now they're walkin all over, like society's cancer cells
metastasizing as they go.

Given current medical procedure, we should excise such cells.

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07/29/2010 7:29 AM

Good. It's up to society to shame these people into dressing appropriately, not the law. When they find they can't get jobs or trip and fall on their faces from wearing their jeans so low, they'll learn.

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07/29/2010 7:29 AM

Qtaug your wrong about that. When they have to split it's amazing the speed they generate.

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07/29/2010 7:27 AM

a least the dumbass won't be able to flee the scene of the crime easily!

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07/29/2010 7:20 AM

It's rude, and wearing pants this way shows contempt for the society that gives you freedom like none other in the history of the world. Prison life is something that should never be imitated. America needs public canings.

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you cant ban da troof

07/29/2010 7:14 AM


07/29/2010 6:17 AM

"I'm sure this person will never get a job looking the way he does, I guess we will be supporting him for a long time to come. What is the attraction, he looks like garbage?"

that may be true, but the fact of the matter is, these guys are not interested in working alongside yall, anyway. that ship has long sailed. many of them have given up on "fair play" in the workforce. thus the reason industry is so bad in the US today. Only wp were working, (through you own devices) and with no minorities to shaft in pay anymore, labor costs, were unduly high. of course its cheaper to offshore, lol This is a segment of folk that feels given up on. Many cant vote or find descent work, because of non violent drug convictions, so they choose to not work at all. In some regards, I dont blame them. you dont get to scarlet letter them, condemning them to low cost labor for the rest of their lives. nice try, at recreating "legal" slavery but, you never anticipated brothers, would get fed up, and totally disengage from working for you totally. ever hear them talking about the recession, or job shrinkage? nope, the market rarely affects those that never had jobs. its funny how you notice their jeans, but nobody notices their plight. They have a lot more things on their minds than belts or what you think.


07/29/2010 6:11 AM

I say let 'em keep wearing their pants like this. Ever see an episode of 'Cops' when they try to run with their pants falling down? Funny stuff."

We know why yall always have belts on cops;) how else will the junkies find veins to shoot? as many people that i know sag their pants, or run from the cops, i have NEVER personally known a person to OD in my hood... I bet you do, though.. ps and Im from Brooklyn!

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07/29/2010 7:10 AM

And this clown expects people to teat him with respect? Let me guess he's either on welfare or a criminal. Nobody in their right mind would hire this punk.

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07/29/2010 7:05 AM

Why not just wear your underwear only? I don't get it but I do wish hot babes wore pants like this with thongs on. Now that's something to behold.

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07/29/2010 7:05 AM

What about the poo-poo stains?

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Bob Levy

07/29/2010 6:52 AM

Wonderful. The baseball cap turned backwards look apparently got its start in prison, too. It's impossible to stare out of prison bars, with the visor turned to the front. If these hoodlums are SO hellbent to get to prison, then society ought to accomodate them. Bad call by the judge!

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Toidy Toid and Toid

07/29/2010 6:51 AM

Prison fashion. Beltless, saggy pants. And no shoelaces. Just like in prison.

Just before they rape them, they pull their pants down because it's easier when you don't have a belt to hold your pants up.

Also, would you want your son flashing his botthole in public like that? Could attract pedophiles.

Saggy is faggy if you think it's cool to advertise you are jail bait.

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Juan Hunoz

07/29/2010 6:50 AM

Best crime deterrent ever. Let all the gang-bangers walk around like that. They can't run from the cops dressed like that, so the chances of them committing a crime plummet like their waistlines.

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Toidy Toid and Toid

07/29/2010 6:47 AM

Saggy is faggy.

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07/29/2010 6:40 AM

Thank You Tony and I admire your screen name. Best show on TV ever.

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07/29/2010 6:17 AM

I'm sure this person will never get a job looking the way he does, I guess we will be supporting him for a long time to come. What is the attraction, he looks like garbage?

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07/29/2010 6:16 AM

That's quite a look. It really says something. I think it says "Look at me,I'm a real d**kwad.Plus I listen to probably the worst c**P annoying music there is in my leased Escalade that I don't plan on making any payments on but you'll find it fried in an alley minus anything I could take out and sell." Lowlife pile of trash MF er.

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07/29/2010 6:11 AM

I say let 'em keep wearing their pants like this. Ever see an episode of 'Cops' when they try to run with their pants falling down? Funny stuff.

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07/29/2010 6:02 AM

If they only knew how they looked! Dumbazzzzes!

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