This is the worst art ever! The government shouldn't support this level of artwork in Vancouver.
Sat, 2010-02-13 02:18
Rating: +25
45 votes
What is she thinking??????? One person team to make the government hear "the voice"?????? It's the Olympic time and stop doing this kind of stupid action to bring the shame of yourself to the whole world!!!
Governent will ignore it as it's the recession time. Business is now much more important than art. Who cares a one person show like this? This is more like a personal adverisement rather than protesting the funding issue.
Shame on her!
Sat, 2010-02-13 13:27
Rating: +23
45 votes
This is a fantastic work. Well done.
Mon, 2010-02-15 13:29
Rating: -17
47 votes
It's very lame.
Mon, 2010-02-15 18:43
Rating: +21
43 votes
She should be naked so more people will take notice.
Wed, 2010-02-17 00:48
Rating: +18
40 votes
Eric L.
Let's say if she's got laid off from a job because of the current recession, if she and the family are tight about the money, should she "push this kind of big box on the street" or should she quickly find a job in a local business to earn some living?
Be realistic, it's not saying art is not important. It's just not that important than the "regular business" as this is a dounting time for the local economy. If you ever learned Economics or just had some common sense, you would know that pursuing arts is something when you are well-off enough to feed yourself. In a simple language, when you only have $50 in your pocket and it's your entire asset, sadly to say, will you buy food or buy a piece of art?
If you have anybody in your family got laid off from the job or you know anyone is short of money, you should have known better than fighting for this kind of thing. Your work here is creative, but overall, it's stupid and short-sighted.
Thu, 2010-02-18 13:03
Rating: +17
35 votes
Obviously you are not artists, or have the slightest idea of its social, cultural and economic importance. It's not a one man show, she is part of a community protesting about the cuts of funding. During the Cultural Olympiad times, where everything seems to be flourishing in Vancouver, yet after the Olympics arts and culture are going to crash. This is not only a statement of resistance, it is an act of solidarity with thousands of people whose life's are being affected. No other province has cut arts funding during this recession. Many provinces have actually increased funding, because it is proven that this is a form of stimulus that works for the whole economy, recession or no.
Arts funding, as studies worldwide and in BC have repeatedly shown, is a lucrative investment that makes strong economic sense. According to the government's own calculations, every dollar given to the arts comes back immediately as 1.36 in general revenue, and that figure is actually much higher when you take spinoff industries that rely on the arts (tourism, IT, film etc.) into account - studies show it's anywhere from $6-$12 and sometimes higher.
There is incontrovertible evidence that elimination of this major employment and industrial sector - which employs over 80,000 people - will be harmful to the whole economy. Maybe that job that your family member just lost Eric, was in the arts and culture sector. Its not about spending your last $50 dollars. And this are just pure economic reasons, don't get me started on the other matters. So before you make conclusions check out some of the statistics...
Fri, 2010-02-19 00:02
Rating: -12
32 votes
I am an accountant. I agree with Eric L's viewpoint.
Fri, 2010-02-19 13:23
Rating: +16
26 votes
Stop being brutal to Catherine!
You basterds!
At least she performed for what she believed in! You bloody egg heads need to get a life!
Sat, 2010-02-20 23:47
Rating: -7
23 votes
Jeff Choi
I have one simple comment.
Please leave Catherine alone. Emilio is right, You have no idea how the art community revolves. Those of you who have left negative comments are not artists.
Do you have any idea how to make art? How complicated it is? No. Leave her alone, Keep your negative comments to yourself. She is brave enough to express her opinion.
Sun, 2010-02-21 00:09
Rating: -11
21 votes
well, if you cannot accept both positive and negative comments, you shouldn't and don't deserve being an artist. you have what you believe, which is wonderful. we have what we believe. the key to persuade government for lots of things, not just art, is to present the sense of emergency and the so-called "importance" to them. maybe you need to consider using more effective way to get what you want - you want the budget to be raised, don't you? seriously, government won't care if the case is not a high priority. i'm here not to support any of the above comments, but there are really some better ways to make your voice heard out loud by the government and make them put more money in for the arts. good luck on that.
Sun, 2010-02-21 00:09
Rating: -11
21 votes
Canada needs more education in art understanding and art history, not everything is just hockey, the Artists here need more, not just money, if the community start to understand art and taste, then Art will get more money and support too. First - make all Art Galleries and Museums and Art events free for all Kids and students so they can get the information. Second - don't focus just at Native Art, which is over supported with no improving quality.
Mon, 2010-02-22 12:44
Rating: 0
22 votes
This is a fantastic piece and idea. Brava for the artist. The Olympics is a Wake for the arts in this province. Look at your opening ceremony you puffing galoots ... who provided the entertainment, dancers, musicians, poets, artists -- all of whom are now going to be unfunded by this cuts in this backwards thinking provincial govt's budget. This artist deserves utmost respect for this brave statement and investment of her creative and physical labour. I hope visitors return to their countries in the knowledge this is to become a no fund province when it comes to arts. Shameful. Internationally embarrassing. When you are draped in your flag remember you have no culture if you don't invest in your arts and culture.
Wed, 2010-02-24 19:05
Rating: -1
17 votes